遵守法规要求 —— 我们将遵守或超越政府劳动相关法规要求及自我承诺。 Compliance of the requirements of the rules and regulations —— We comply
with or exceed the requirements of government labor regulations and
提倡就业自由 —— 我们会确定所有的工作都是自愿性的。 Advocate freedom of employment —— We make sure all the work is voluntary.
力行人道待遇 —— 我们不允许剥削儿童、生理惩罚、凌虐女性、强迫性劳役、不奴役及贩卖人口,及其它形式的虐待事项。 Implementation of humane treatment —— We do not allow exploitation of
children, physical punishment, and abuse of women, forced labor、no slavery, and no human trafficking and
other forms of abuse issues.
禁止不当歧视 —— 招募与雇用措施,应承诺免于骚扰与不法歧视。员工均有平等机会,不分种族、性别、年龄、政治倾向及宗教信仰。 Prohibition of improper discrimination —— Recruitment and employment
measures should be committed to freedom from harassment and unlawful
discrimination. Employees have equal opportunities regardless of race,
sex, age, political orientation and religious beliefs.
建立沟通机制 —— 我们将导入新方法、技术及设备,以保护员工的安全及健康。我们将维护安全及健康的工作场所,以防止职业灾害及疾病的发生。
我们期望员工能提报工作场所中之潜在危害并参与改善计划。 Establishment of a communication mechanism —— we will introduce new
methods, techniques and equipment to protect employee’s safety and
health. We will maintain a safe and healthy workplace to prevent
occupational accidents and diseases. We expect employees to submit the
potential hazard of the workplace and participate in the improvement
强化员工教育训练 —— 我们将强化所有员工及管理阶层之环境、安全、健康职责。我们将持续推展环境、安全、健康之相关认知与技能。 Reinforcement of employee’s educational training —— We will strengthen the
environment, safety, and health responsibility for all the employees and
management levels. We will continue to promote the relevant knowledge
and skills of environment, safety, as well as health.
建置完善沟通机制 —— 我们鼓励员工与管理阶层之间的公开沟通与直接参与。我们会收集员工对公司的意见,以便对公司运作有进一步的改进。 Establishment of perfect communication mechanism —— We encourage open
communication and direct participation between the management and the
employees. We will collect the views of employees on the company in
order to further improve the company operation.
健全薪资福利 —— 员工薪资应符合所有适用的薪资相关法律,包含:最低工资、加班费及法定应有福利。我们会实时透过薪资条或其它类似文件将工资支付的讯息传达给员工。 Strengthen pay and benefits —— Staff salaries shall comply with all
applicable wage laws, including: minimum wage, overtime pay and
statutory due benefits. We will immediately convey the message about
payment of wage through pay slips or other similar documents to the
培训员工职能 —— 我们努力提升员工的技术及能力,以提高员工的社会及经济地位。 Staff training —— We will make efforts to enhance employees’ skills and
capabilities to raise the social and economic status.
强调诚信经营 —— 我们会在所有商业行为中都应当要求最高标准的廉洁。任何形式的贪污,贿赂,敲诈勒索及挪用公款的行为我们都须严厉的禁止。 Emphasis of business integrity —— All business practices will be required
in both the highest standards of integrity. Any form of corruption,
bribery, extortion and embezzlement will be strictly forbidden.
尊重智慧财产权 —— 我们尊重智慧财产权;技术和专门技能的转移应当在智慧财产权受到保护下,以适当的方式进行 Respect the intellectual property rights —— We respect for intellectual
property rights; the transfer of technology and know-how should be under
the protection of intellectual property rights in an appropriate manner.